Antenna Construction Details
The first item to fabricate was the mast mounting plate. The first photo shows the raw aluminum
plate that I used. In the second photo I am cutting the plate to size with a reciprocating saw.
The third photo shows the mast plate after is has been cut to size (3-1/2" x 8-1/2"). Before moving on to the
next step it is a good idea to use a file on the edges of the mast plate to remove any rough
edges that could cut you. I generally just file all edges at a 45 degree angle.
The next step is to layout where the holes will be drilled to attach the U-bolts and brackets.
In the first photo I am laying out lines to determine where the holes will be drilled. The second
photo shows me center punching where the holes will be drilled. Center punching helps keep
the drill bit in place when starting to drill a hole.
Once the hole locations are marked and punched they can be drilled as shown in the
first photo. I used a small drill press to drill the holes but a hand drill could
also be used. The drill press just makes the task a little easier. The second photo
shows the completed mast plate with the mast tube installed to test the fit. There
are a second set of holes, two of which can be seen in the photo. The second set of
holes will be used for a second set of U-bots to attach to the mast.
There are a few more pieces that need holes drilled. The first is the mast tube.
The holes are drilled to accept the right angle brackets that will secure the
top plate in place. When marking the tube for the bracket holes I just made the
marks at about every 90 degrees. I was not as careful as I should have been with
making sure the holes were exactly at 90 degrees from each other. This made it
a little more difficult when locating the holes on the top plate since they were
not in the exact location I would have liked. The point is that you should take
your time and do it right the first time rather than giving yourself additional
problems later on. I was able to deal with the issue but it would have been better
to be more careful. The second photo here shows the top plate after the holes
were drilled where the mast tube brackets will be attached. These same holes
will also be used to attach the radial clamps. Since I was not as careful in
laying out the hole locations on the mast tube as I should have been there were
slight differences. Due to these slight differences I marked the four locations
with a center punch so that the appropriate radial clamp would be used in the
correct location.
Next I made the clamps that would be used to hold the ground radials in position.
They were cut from 1-1/2" wide aluminum and bent into shape using a vise.
Bending the pieces into the shape as shown allows the pieces to hold on to the
radial rods without the rods slipping out of position. As can be seen in the photo
there are a few scuff marks on the pieces due to test fitting the parts prior
to taking the picture.
Another thing I did when fabricating the radial clamps was to cut a notch that
would keep each radial from rotating in the horizontal plane. How this is
accomplished will be easier to see once you see the assembled top plate. As you
can see I cut the notch using a file with fairly aggressive teeth. This made
cutting the notch quicker. The first photo shows the notch being cut with the
file and the second photo shows the completed cut. The square rod seen in the
picture was only there to space the clamp away from the vise jaws so that the
vise would not flatten the shape of the clamp. Remember the clamp was bent to
hold on to the round radial stock.
These two pictures show the notch that has been made in one of the radial clamps and
how the radial will fit into the notch to keep it from moving. Again this will be
easier to understand once you have seen the entire assembled top plate.
In the first photo you can see the mast tube has been mounted to the mast. Note the
four right angle brackets have been attached to the mast tube in preparation for
mounting the top plate. Also you can see that I have painted the steel parts to
help prevent rusting. The feed line is in place waiting for the feed point hardware
to be attached.
In the second photo you can see the radials have been attached to the top plate using the
radial clamps. Please note how each radial fits into the adjacent clamp notch to
keep the radial from rotating in the horizontal plane. There are other ways that
this could have been accomplished but this method kept the number of parts to a
minimum. The four bolts that hold the radial clamps in place also secure the top
plate to the mast tube brackets.
One of the last steps is to cut the radiating element to size and thread one end
of it so that it can be attached to the feed point hardware. In this photo the
die and handle are still in place after cutting the threads on the rod. I used
a 3/8" x 24 threads per inch die which is standard for this type of antenna mount.
As can be seen the radiating element has been installed in the feed point hardware
using the 3/8" x 24 threads. All other components are now in place and the antenna
is ready to be raised to test. Up to this point I have not talked about the
length of the elements or the angle of the radials. I will talk about these two
items next. Please notice that the ground radials have been bent so that they will
be at a downward angle from horizontal.
Element Length Calculation
Up to this point I have not talked about the length of the elements. One of the reasons
for this is that this antenna design can be used for many different bands depending
on the length of the elements. This type of antenna is usually used for VHF and UHF
frequencies but sometimes even lower band designs are made.
I don't use the formulas normally found in books to calculate the length of the
elements because I tend to forget the exact number used. I just calculate it using the
speed of light as a starting point. The speed of light is approximately 186000 miles
per second in free space. 186000 miles per second is not exact but it is close enough
for our use. I want to convert 186000 miles to a number that will mean something to me.
So I converted the distance to feet. There are 5280 feet per mile so (186000 miles X
5280 feet = 982080000 feet). We now need to divide the number of feet traveled in one
second by the target frequency (982080000/52000000 = 18.89 feet). Since our antenna will
be a 1/4 wave antenna we need to divide the wave length of 18.89 feet by 4. This gives
us a length of 4.72 feet. We then to convert 4.72 feet to inches (4.72 feet X 12 inches
= 56.6 inches). Since the propagation velocity of the signal traveling through a metal
element is somewhat less than the speed of light through free space the length
calculated will be a little longer that what is actually needed. Using this longer
length is actually good since it allows some extra length in the radiating element that
we can trim to tune the antenna. We will trim it to the exact length when we tune the
antenna. The ground radials should be about 5% longer than the radiating element.
Radiation Resistance - SWR
We want to match the antenna to the impedance of our radio and feed line which happens
to be 50 ohms. From previous experience I knew that the radials should be bent down on
a 1/4 wave ground plane antenna to better match 50 ohms. I used an MFJ antenna analyzer
to obtain my measurements. Just for the heck of it I started off with the ground
radials un-bent so that they stuck out straight in the horizontal plane to see what the
radiation resistance would be. First I needed to find the resonant frequency of
the antenna. The resonant frequency is where the inductance and capacitance cancel
each other and all that is left is the radiation resistance and some feed line
resistance. I found the resonant frequency by sweeping the frequency until I found
were the inductance and capacitance canceled each other. This happened to be about
50MHz. At that point the resistance read 25 ohms. If left in this condition the best
SWR I could ever obtain would be 2:1. I knew that by bending the ground radials down
I could raise the radiation resistance closer to 50 ohms. After bending the radials
down and taking a second reading I found that the resonant frequency was about the same
but the radiation resistance was about 47 ohms. This was much better. Since I bent the
radials down without checking for an exact angle I did not have them all bent to
the same angle. I checked to find which one was bent down the most. I measured the
angle and bent the remaining three radials to the same angle (about 45 degrees). After
bending them all to the same angle I took another reading and found that the radiation
resistance was right where I wanted it at 50 ohms. This would result in a 1:1 SWR, but
not on the frequency I wanted. Since the antenna was resonant at about 50MHz the SWR
would be 1:1 at that frequency and rise in either direction away from that frequency.
Next step would be to tune the antenna for the frequency I wanted. One other thing
to note on bending the ground radials. When I bent them at the top plate I bent them
in a slow curve (about a 2" radius) rather than a sharp angle. The reason for this was
to keep from creating a weak point at the bend point. If I had bent the radials at a
sharp angle, the radials would have the potential to break at that bend point in the
future after being exposed to the stress of the weather (wind).
Tuning For Resonance
I have always found that it is better to have your initial antenna a little too long
rather than a little too short. It is much easier to cut a little off of your antenna
to tune it to the desired frequency rather than to add length to it. Since the
resonant frequency of my antenna was low it meant that my antenna was a little too long.
The difference in the calculated values of a 1/4 wave length antenna at 50MHz vs. 52Mhz
is about 2.3 inches. When trimming an antenna for tuning you should trim less than the
calculated difference to be on the safe side. Sometime there are other effects that
make the calculated value too large and if you trim off the entire calculated amount you
may have made the antenna too short. This will result in your antenna being resonant at
a higher frequency than desired. As a rule of thumb I don't cut off anymore than about
1/2 the calculated value at any one time. This may mean that you have to trim more than
once to get the frequency you want, but remember it is easier to make an antenna shorter
if it is too long than to make it longer if it is too short. I ended up cutting the
radiating element twice to get to a resonant frequency of 51.5MHz. This was close enough
to my target frequency to feel satisfied.
This project was fairly easy to build and it was easy to tune to obtain a good SWR match.
I was very pleased with how easy it was to obtain a flat SWR match by bending the radial to
raise the radiation resistance. It is not a high gain antenna but will provide an
antenna that works well locally. The design can be easily adapted to other frequencies.
I would recommend this type of antenna project for the beginner as well as the
experienced builder.
I hope you have enjoyed reading along with me and good luck building your next antenna.
Mike - N6TWW
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© Michael Fedler, 2009