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Michael Fedler Photography

Bodie, California

This is one of the buildings in the ghost town of Bodie. Bodie is at an altitude of about 8400 feet. Bodie, CA. 'Nikon F100 35mm SLR' (Click for larger view)
This old outhouse is being supported on the back side with wooden supports in order to keep it from falling over. I notice several outhouses with the same problem. Bodie, CA. 'Nikon F100 35mm SLR' (Click for larger view)
This church was a very popular photograhic subject while I was in Bodie. Bodie, CA. 'Nikon F100 35mm SLR' (Click for larger view)
Notice the roof on the building on the left. If you look closely, you will notice that the roof is made of metal. At first I didn't understand why I saw this type of roof. I also saw similar outside walls on many of the buildings. What I finally realized is that the material used to make this roof is cans that have been cut apart and flattened and then nailed down as building material. Some of the pieces of metal were small like they came from cans of beans and some were fairly large like they came from one gallon cans. Bodie, CA. 'Nikon F100 35mm SLR' (Click for larger view)

Just think, once this car was someone's pride and joy. Bodie, CA. 'Nikon F100 35mm SLR' (Click for larger view)
I liked the look of the dry grass around this building. Bodie, CA. 'Nikon F100 35mm SLR' (Click for larger view)

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Last update to this site: 1/15/2024

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