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Michael Fedler Photography

Sausalito, California

This first shot in a series of the San Francisco Bay was taken while walking along the road in Sausalitio. The San Franciscan skyline can be seen in the background. Sausalito, CA. 'Nikon F100 35mm SLR' (Click for larger view)
The second shot in the series of the San Francisco Bay was taken very near the first. This time a seagull was good enough to pose for me. Again the San Franciscan skyline can be seen in the background. Sausalito, CA. 'Nikon F100 35mm SLR' (Click for larger view)
In the third shot I was able to capture both the boat and the seagull. Sausalito, CA. 'Nikon F100 35mm SLR' (Click for larger view)
The fourth photo in the series of San Francisco Bay. Sausalito, CA. 'Nikon F100 35mm SLR' (Click for larger view)

The fifth photo in the series of San Francisco Bay. This time a pigeon joined the scene. Sausalito, CA. 'Nikon F100 35mm SLR' (Click for larger view)
The last photo in the series of San Francisco Bay was taken from a parking lot in Sausalito. In this view I was able to get a nice shot of San Francisco in the background. The dark haze over the city is moisture in the air. Sausalito, CA. 'Nikon F100 35mm SLR' (Click for larger view)

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Last update to this site: 1/15/2024

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